===== Documentation Wiki of Computer Science Department ===== Welcome to this Wiki and feel free to give an update! === guide to the doctoral degree in the department of Computer Science === * **[[doctorate process]]** === Collection of best practices for IT Admins on RWTH wide level === * **[[IT_Best_Practise|RWTH IT-Admin's Best Practices]]** === Internal information for lecturers and examiners (in German) === * **[[Informationen für Lehrende bzw. Prüfende im Bachelor-Studiengang Informatik]]** * **[[Informationen für Lehrende bzw. Prüfende im Master-Studiengang Informatik]]** * [[Online_Lehre_Konzept_buk|Konzept BuK WS 2020/2021 mit online Lehre]] === Announcement of Graduate Seminars and Colloquia (in German) === * **[[Organisation eines Kolloquiums oder Oberseminars]]** === Emails to work with RWTHonline === * **[[Emails_RWTHonline|Whom to write Emails to in order to make what work in RWTHonline (in German)]]**