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Studieninformationstag (SIT)
Thiemo Lenhardt
Studiencenter Informatik
Ahornstraße 55, building E3, room 9202
D-52074 Aachen / Germany
Short description
The RWTH Aachen University Studieninformationstag is aimed at high school students and prospective students and usually takes place in January or February each year. The Department of Computer Science participates with a stand and staff to advise prospective students. The counseling sessions are conducted by staff from the Study Center Computer Science and the departmental student advisors.
Can you help? Certainly.
If you would like to participate as an employee or a professorship, you are welcome to do so in the form of the professorship's marketing material. This includes, for example:
- research prototypes
- videos
- posters etc.
Just send your Material or questions to